Here is some of our research to find an image to represent Blindfold Press.
Initially the name “blindfold” followed and adopted the title of our first publication, Blindfold, by artist Jack Butler (with his generous permission). We admit to liking its fatalistic, dark side of it, firing squads seeming apropos the moment (2020). But blindfolds also have other sides, playful, as in games like pin the tail on the donkey or blind man’s bluff, and mysterious, as used by clairvoyant and magicians. We love all these meaning.
As remembered the man in the white shirt in this painting by Goya was blindfolded. (Photo: MGN) Found here: https://kutv.com/news/local/ohio-may-bring-back-firing-squad-executions-utah-still-uses-them uncredited photo found here: https://www.prwatch.org/node/9029 Mandatory Credit: Photo by Historia/Shutterstock (7664995ou)Cupid Plays Blind-man’s Buff with A Group of Young Ladies circa 1840 A patent for a blindfold. The distinctive patentable part was likely the straps fitting behind the ears. Look familiar? Blindfold play
We continue to work on a logo for the press.