Press Ready

Back in the day, “press ready” was what you called artwork when it was ready to go to the printer and be put on a printing press.
Right now we are preparing our first book for publication electronically, which will also launch this small press venture. It’s a very different world in some ways. The tools we use to produce books are very different. the timeframes are compressed. But the number of things that need doing is no less and multiplies as we get closer to the launch date.
The ebook will be ‘released’ officially May 14, 2021 when announcements will go out via email primarily. (Subscribe to our feed to get on the email list.)
We have started talking about a ‘launch’ event also and if it comes together, that would likely be on May 22nd, 7 p.m. EDT via Zoom. Not exactly a party with speeches and book signing but Zoom is not without its charms.
The ebook was finished quite some time ago but now we are preparing to print a small edition of softcover books and a special print-on-demand edition that we hope, will be something more like an artist’s book, capturing the feeling of the original drawings.
It’s been a great adventure thus far. We’re indebted to artist Jack Butler for allowing us to use his project title as the name for our new press and for trusting us to bring his to the public in this particular way.
Read more about Blindfold here.